Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Roach Wars

This battle began many months ago.  I guess it all started with an accumulation of cardboard boxes in the garage/storage room.  Having such a large family our garbage can provided by the county fills up with household waste to consider throwing the large boxes away would mean having bags of trash accumulating until trash day.  Therefore my solution was keep the boxes in the garage until such time we could haul them off to the county dump. Fast forward many months.
I have put out boric acid mixed with Tang, egg stoppers, baits, contact kill with insecticide....but the roach population still grows and grows.  For every ten that I find dead, there are 50 more that day, alive and well.  Since our remodel two years ago, we were to fed up with DIY to complete the job by putting our shoe molding back up.  Thus it is my belief the roaches have a great safe-haven in our walls!
The children are so used to them it's not even right.  And how many times a day do I hear James say, BUG! It is to the point I feel to rid them is to move out.  And even then, how many would stow away in our belongings only to take up residence in our new place.  Which as we all know is completely out of the question.  We are going to be in this house for a while.
Today I spent a good hour reading posts from people with similar situations.  They offered solutions that ranged from boric acid, baking soda and powdered sugar, catnip spray, spearmint gum, bay leaves all the way to illegal "chinese chalk"...which many swear by and may be a last resort for me.
The clutter and excess of material things, not to mention the children's ability to spread crumbs from one end of the house to another make this battle even harder.  But after reading all the tips today, I have resolve.  I will fight these forsaken pests with all my might.  I will try every trick in the book.  They may outnumber me in the thousands, but I am a human, therefore the superior creature.
My ultimate goal is to eradicate this nasty nuisance.  But I will settle for a 95% elimination.  I will fight this battle, I will not give up.....until I can move :)

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